Responsive Web Design

Imagine you have a glass of water. You first pour that water inside a tall and narrow glass. Then you pour the water from that glass into short and round glass. The water itself did not change but adapted its shape to the different glasses. This is similar to responsive web design (RWD).

RWD is the practice of building a website that is able to work on every device and every screen size. So just as the water adapted to different glasses, the content of websites should too.

Benefits of Responsive Design

Ensures a quality user experience
Browsing a responsive site with a mobile device you don't waste time zooming, shrinking and pinching your screen. The site automatically adjusts to your screen size. The simplified reading and navigation drastically improves the usability of your site.

Cost Effective
RWD can drastically cut down on development time and cost. The RWD approach allows you to optimize your business for all the devices with a single website.

Increased traffic
Nearly 60% of online usage is via mobile websites. Having RWD built for mobile devices will help drive traffic to your website. Mobile users are more likely to use sites that are designed for mobile instead of thse that simply display a desktop version on mobile devices.


RWD Examples

Protest Sportswear